3rd International White Collar Crime Institute

3rd International White Collar Crime Institute

London, October 13-14, 2014
The American Bar Association’s Criminal Justice Section and the City of London Law Society will host a one and a half day conference that will feature topflight legal practitioners from across the globe tackling such topics as corporate espionage and cybercrimes, international money laundering and sanctions, cross-border evidentiary concerns, whistleblowers, deferred prosecution agreements and international internal investigations. Special focus will be paid to fraud and bribery cases from the perspective of top prosecutors from various countries.
The event will be hosted at the Law Offices of Berwin Leighton Paisner (Adelaide House, London Bridge, London EC4R 9HA), United Kingdom.
Ilias Anagnostopoulos will join a plenary session panel on October 13 on Criminal Prosecutions & Investigations: A Comparison of Enforcement Mechanisms, The Use of Investigative Agencies and Cross Border Evidence Sharing.