02 Mar ABA 31st White Collar Crime Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, 8-10 March 2017
The 31st National Institute on White Collar Crime of the American Bar Association will be held in Miami Βeach, Florida, on March 8-10, 2017. Since its establishment in 1987, the Institute has been attended by leading federal and state judges and prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate inhouse counsel and members of the academic community.
Topics include recent developments in FCPA enforcement, emerging trends in health care enforcement, antitrust prosecution, comprehensive tax enforcement, asset forfeiture and freeze orders.
Ilias Anagnostopoulos will join an international panel (moderated by Nina Marino and including panelists Karen A. Benson, Dr. Sabine Stetter, Sung-Hee Suh) on “Navigating the Minefield of a Multinational Bribery Case – From Investigation to Indictment”. Using a factual scenario, this panel will discuss the legal and practical issues that arise when a multinational public corporation discovers potential bribery by its employees and faces the complexities of internal investigations, multi-government investigations, and possible criminal charges. It will address issues relating to jurisdiction, plea agreements, and trial strategies.
An updated version of Ilias’s article “One act, multiple prosecutions, unlimited sanctions?” is available in the conference materials.