26 Apr Athens Conference on Financial Crime and Corruption in the Public Sector, April 24-25, 2015
The School of Law of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in co-operation with the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association and the Athens Bar Association organised a two day conference in Athens on Financial Crime and Corruption in the Public Sector.
The conference speakers list included distinguished academics and practitioners from Greece and other European countries and the US who addressed a variety of topical issues related to tax and customs offences, money laundering, corrupt practices and asset recovery and discussed possible models to tackle such criminality.
Chair of the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association Ilias Anagnostopoulos moderated a closing round table on an intergrated and efficent strategy to counteract corruption in the public sector while safeguarding the rights of affected individuals and legal entities. www.hcba.gr/attachments/article/208/Programma.pdf