PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS IN THE EU, Cracow, Poland, 2-3 March 2017

PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS IN THE EU, Cracow, Poland, 2-3 March 2017


The European Academy of law (ERA), in cooperation with the European Legal Interpreters and Translators Association (EULITA), the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA), the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), and the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution KSSiP, will host a Seminar on EU Procedural Safeguards, in Cracow, Poland, between 2 and 3 of March 2017.

The Seminar will offer practical training for judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers and law enforcment officials in relation to the three EU Directives on the rights to interpretation and translation, information, and access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings.

Alexandros Tsagkalidis will speak on practical issues of national implementation and first experiences with the these Directives.