white collar crime Tag

Who's Who Legal and the Global Investigations Review lauched the GIR lawyer rankings for 2024. Ilias Anagnostopoulos ranks among the Thought Leaders in business crime defence, investigations, and asset recovery. GIR says: "Ilias Anagnostopoulos ranks highly for his notable practice acting on complex business crime cases, earning him...

The latest issue of the IHL features sector-focused market reports that provide insights into tackling the challenges across both the white-collar crime and real estate domains. IHL looks at whether a new broom at the SFO will move the dial for white-collar crime legislation, as...

The newly launched Chambers Europe 2024 ranks Ilias Anagnostopoulos as a top white-collar crime lawyer in Greece. Chambers says: "Ilias Anagnostopoulos offers standout experience in a plethora of white-collar crime topics, including bribery, fraud and money laundering cases".    ...

In the newly launched Chambers Europe 2024, ANAGNOSTOPOULOS ranks among Greece's top firms in white-collar crime. Chambers says: "ANAGNOSTOPOULOS is a distinguished law firm with strong expertise in white-collar crime, particularly in terms of cross-border disputes and corporate investigations. The firm often acts for clients in cases...